Posteamos un paper del Prof. Fabio Petri en el Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione Piero Sraffa, donde argumenta sobre la inevitabilidad de la lógica circular en la definicion marginalista del capital como una cantidad dada, aún en los casos en que éste es medido en un período medio de producción, sugerido en su momento por Garegnani, 1960, Il capitale nelle teorie della distribuzione, Milano: Giuffré
CSWP 11 (April 2015)
Author Fabio Petri
Pierangelo Garegnani has argued that the value capital endowment could
have been avoided in Knut Wicksell’s long-period general equilibrium in Value, Capital and Rent
(1898); the capital endowment might have been specified as an amount of
labour embodied in the economy’s stock of capital goods, which would
have avoided the vicious circle of a factor endowment dependent on the
prices the equilibrium must determine. The paper argues that this thesis
cannot be accepted.
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