El viejo Almacén. BsAs

Surplus Approach

“Es necesario volver a la economía política de los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo y Marx. Y uno debe proceder en dos direcciones: i) purgar la teoría de todas las dificultades e incongruencias que los economistas clásicos (y Marx) no fueron capaces de superar, y, ii) seguir y desarrollar la relevante y verdadera teoría económica como se vino desarrollando desde “Petty, Cantillón, los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo, Marx”. Este natural y consistente flujo de ideas ha sido repentinamente interrumpido y enterrado debajo de todo, invadido, sumergido y arrasado con la fuerza de una ola marina de economía marginal. Debe ser rescatada."
Luigi Pasinetti

ISSN 1853-0419

Entrada destacada

Teorías del valor y la distribución una comparacion entre clásicos y neoclásicos

Fabio PETRI   Esta obra, traducida por UNM Editora, ha sido originalmente editada en Italia con el título: “Teorie del valore e del...

26 nov 2012

Eduardo Crespo, Matias Vernengo and Franklin Serrano at the Final Plenary Session of Eshet-Argentina

Organized for Eshet, Cefid-Ar and General Sarmiento National University,  friday 23 november finished  the conference: Core and Periphery Countries: Lessons From Economic History and the History of Economic Thought with more than 70 papers and participants. 

The conferencists have debated and expounded different topics in relationship with diverse issues as development, growth, distribution of income, and real cases from history of Latin American and developed countries.

In the final plenary session, the professors Eduardo Crespo, from Univ. of Rio de Janeiro; Matías Vernengo from Univ. of Utah;  talked about the theorical and empirical inconsistences of the "new developmentalism" approach. However, many scholars in the region have  this  economic view, like Professor Bresser Pereira and Professor Frenkel- who based their economic policy mainly in exchange rate devaluation plus a fiscal adjustement as a proper development policy to our countries.

Franklin Serrano from Univ. of Rio de Janeiro in a similar view of Crespo and Vernengo, talked about the Changes in the  international order and the current South American Economic Situation in relationship to the entrance of China to the global market scenario and its cost effect, the proceses of nationalism of resources in developing countries and improvement of real wages in our region.


Professor Eduardo Crespo 

Professor Matías Vernengo 

Professor Franklin Serrano 

Changes in the  international order and the current South American Economic Situation

Round of Questions 1

Answers 1

Round of Questions 2

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