El viejo Almacén. BsAs

Surplus Approach

“Es necesario volver a la economía política de los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo y Marx. Y uno debe proceder en dos direcciones: i) purgar la teoría de todas las dificultades e incongruencias que los economistas clásicos (y Marx) no fueron capaces de superar, y, ii) seguir y desarrollar la relevante y verdadera teoría económica como se vino desarrollando desde “Petty, Cantillón, los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo, Marx”. Este natural y consistente flujo de ideas ha sido repentinamente interrumpido y enterrado debajo de todo, invadido, sumergido y arrasado con la fuerza de una ola marina de economía marginal. Debe ser rescatada."
Luigi Pasinetti

ISSN 1853-0419

Entrada destacada

Teorías del valor y la distribución una comparacion entre clásicos y neoclásicos

Fabio PETRI   Esta obra, traducida por UNM Editora, ha sido originalmente editada en Italia con el título: “Teorie del valore e del...

28 mar 2013

Post-Keynesian Views of the Crisis and its Remedies

Edited by Óscar Dejuán, Eladio Febrero Paños, Jorge Uxo Gonzalez here



Introduction Óscar Dejuán, Eladio Febrero and Jorge Uxo 

 Part I. The financial side: the burden of debt and the loss of confidence 

 1. Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a European perspective Eckhard Hein
 2. The world in balance sheet recession: causes, cures and politics Richard C. Koo
 3. The failure of the new macroeconomic consensus: from non-ergodicity to the efficient markets hypothesis and back again Nigel F.B. Allington, John S.L. McCombie and Maureen Pike 
 4. The debt trap Óscar Dejuán 

 II. The balance of payments constraint. Trade deficits as a source of risky debt  

5. Controversial and novel features of the Eurozone crisis as a balance of payment crisis Sergio Cesaratto 6. Unhappy families are all alike: Minskyan cycles, Kaldorian growth, and the Eurozone peripheral crises Alberto Bagnai  
7. The adjustment of current account imbalances within the European Monetary Union since the beginning of the Great Recession: some strengths and many weaknesses Jesús Paúl and Jorge Uxó
 8. The effects of the great recession of 2008 on the neo-Keynesian development experiences: the cases of Argentina and Brazil Fabián Amico and Alejandro Fiorito  

III. The real side of the economy: the problem of effective demand and the failure of austerity policies

 9. Net private savings in relation to the government’s financial balance: some basic principles of macroeconomics disregarded by the European Union’s economic policy makers Kazimierz Laski and Leon Podkaminer
 10. Business Investment, Growth and Crisis Ana-Rosa González, Philip Arestis and Óscar Dejuán
 11. Does the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on Economic Context? Steven Fazzari
 12. Spain during the Great Recession. Teetering on the brink of collapse Eladio Febrero and Fernando Bermejo



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