Páginas Sraffianas

21 jul 2020

Webinar sobre los 60 Años de Producción de Mercancías por medio de Mercancías de Piero Sraffa

Mañana Miercoles 12 AM Buenos Aires. haciendo click en :

Tomorrow we will talk about this book that is the Rosetta Stone of the history of economic ideas (read post 6 below for more on that). I'm happy to have a great panel to discuss it. In the meantime below 7 previous posts on Sraffa's contributions to economics, which might be helpful for some.

  1. Sraffa and the Marshallian System
  2. Sraffa, Marx and the Labor Theory of Value (LTV)
  3. Sraffa, Ricardo and Marx
  4. The Standard Commodity and the LTV
  5. The Capital Debates
  6. Microfoundations of Macroeconomics and the Capital Debates
  7. Free Trade and the Capital Debates

Para ver todo el evento tomado del post de Matías Vernengo

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